Author: David Marquard

When You Should Not Use Social Media

When You Should Not Use Social Media

Posted By David Marquard
October 22, 2020 Category: Social Media, Internet Safety

Many of us who grew up working summer jobs in defense or other types of factories may remember seeing signs that had dire warnings to keep what we saw confidential.  One of my favorite books about WW2 summed up the danger succinctly by showing a poster that was ubiquitous throughout the war years. It contained just four words: “Loose Lips Sink Ships.”   Flash forward to today. Pre-COVID, I enjoyed taking plant tours whenever I could. But I noticed that, especially when it was a tour of a pharmaceutical or other medical equipment manufacturer, I was asked to leave my cell phone with a guard.  This is because what I was seeing on those plant tours was valuable information that needed to be protected.   Today’s version of loose lips is often transmitted unwittingly through social media. There are lots of very good reasons to use Social Media, including promoting products, services or causes you are fond of. However, Social Media also comes with lots of red blinking lights. You should know where to look for them. This article focuses on when, what, and why you and your family shouldn’t Social Media.   First, you must accept that if you or someone you know has something of value, someone wants it. If you discuss it on social media, you let the whole world in on your thoughts.  That “someone” could be a criminal, criminal gang, or other nefarious group determined to steal your money or ideas. S

Blog - Author: David Marquard

Author: David Marquard

When You Should Not Use Social Media

When You Should Not Use Social Media

Posted By David Marquard
October 22, 2020 Category: Social Media, Internet Safety

Many of us who grew up working summer jobs in defense or other types of factories may remember seeing signs that had dire warnings to keep what we saw confidential.  One of my favorite books about WW2 summed up the danger succinctly by showing a poster that was ubiquitous throughout the war years. It contained just four words: “Loose Lips Sink Ships.”   Flash forward to today. Pre-COVID, I enjoyed taking plant tours whenever I could. But I noticed that, especially when it was a tour of a pharmaceutical or other medical equipment manufacturer, I was asked to leave my cell phone with a guard.  This is because what I was seeing on those plant tours was valuable information that needed to be protected.   Today’s version of loose lips is often transmitted unwittingly through social media. There are lots of very good reasons to use Social Media, including promoting products, services or causes you are fond of. However, Social Media also comes with lots of red blinking lights. You should know where to look for them. This article focuses on when, what, and why you and your family shouldn’t Social Media.   First, you must accept that if you or someone you know has something of value, someone wants it. If you discuss it on social media, you let the whole world in on your thoughts.  That “someone” could be a criminal, criminal gang, or other nefarious group determined to steal your money or ideas. S

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