Jim Harbaugh, the football coach at my alma mater, the University of Michigan, has a favorite saying:
“Attack each day with an enthusiasm unknown to mankind.”
People I know who know Jim tell me that motto describes Jim perfectly. He is always upbeat, his glass is always half full, he is always looking at each new day as an opportunity to do better than the day before. And he wins big wherever he goes: at the University of San Diego... at Stanford... with the San Francisco 49ers... and now with Michigan.
The dictionary defines “enthusiasm” as an occupation, activity or pursuit in which interest is shown. If you and your healthcare associates are enthusiastic — it’s like winning. The food tastes better. The days go quicker. More effective leadership. So take a lesson from Jim. Find a reason or multiple reasons to be enthusiastic. They are always there, but sometimes you need to choose to see them.
At OxyGo, for example, we are super enthusiastic about our new OxyCare Total Advantage™ patient financing program. We know it will help increase your POC sales dramatically. Your customers who prefer small monthly payments will be able to walk out the door with an OxyGo unit they might not otherwise have been able to afford. Payments can be as low as $63 a month. And talk about a reason to be enthusiastic... you get paid for the entire sale the next day, in most cases.
See ads and articles on our new OxyCare Total Advantage patient financing program throughout this issue. Then contact OxyGo Customer Care at (866) 698-0633.
Make that move and whenever you hear Michigan’s fight song “Hail to the Victors”— you and Jim Harbaugh will be sharing something in common. Because in your neck of the woods, you and I both know its words will be reflecting your DME sales management vision and acumen to give patients more options than ever before — and go for the WIN!